Mr. P is an 86 year old male with multiple medical conditions, including high blood pressure, Diabetes, Asthma and is legally blind. He came to us with feelings of depression and isolation, which were increasing by staying home. Through our referral efforts, he was able to be trained by The Light House for The Blind, which has helped him gain independence and self-esteem with helpful training and support. He is now able to perform his activities of daily living such as shaving, dressing, bathing and walking without assistance. He also needed extensive dental work, which hindered his ability to obtain proper nutrition. Our program social worker referred him to a free of cost dental facility and he received his much needed dentures. Our program nurse was able to identify asymptomatic life-threatening blood pressure readings and immediately sent him for medical care. After this hospitalization, his medications were changed, he is now being followed by a specialist and his blood pressure is controlled. By working with the nurse, through health promotion education, he is now more involved in his own care by understanding healthier life style habits, including the benefit of receiving two healthy well balanced meals in this program. He has stated his energy and physical stamina have improved by participating in this program’s exercises. By participating in music and memory games, he is able to keep his mind active, which he appreciates due to his impressive educational background. He has made numerous friends and looks forward to attending on a regular basis. His wife is able to remain active in the community and run the household errands by receiving this much needed respite time for herself, knowing his husband is in a safe and nurturing environment. He is also a role model for other clients by demonstrating his active participation and self-sufficiency in spite of his visual limitations. Mr. P repeatedly expresses his gratitude for this program and even calls us “part of his family”.